Who in the Hell Does Ike Think He Is?

Who in the Hell Does Ike Think He Is?

Well to answer that question for a very long time in my life… I simply didn’t know who I was.

I wanted to contribute and be a part of the autobiographical articles on the POV so I had to ask myself, “Self, how did you become such a big PITT football fan and be so fanatical about it?” So I’ve started and erased around five different times wondering how I can explain all the past. I didn’t want to come off as a bleeding heart or too dramatic, yet at the same time my young life is what is most important in telling this story. There are no pretty girls and loves of my life involved; no romantic tales or mingling with the players from the team, this would be a long distance relationship.

I started off as a child born into a large family in a large house in Greensburg, PA which my maternal Grandmother owned. My family lived on one side of the house, grandma was on other and a couple was staying in the third floor two room apartment – they were Patsy and Ruth or “Do” as I called her.

Image result for james dean motorcycle imagesMy father was an alcoholic and people thought he was a James Dean type because he was the only person anyone knew of who owned a motorcycle back in those days. He worked for the railroad and in his spare time collected and worked on old cars that ended up littering our backyard like it was a junkyard.  This was complete with chained up mean-ass junkyard dogs that no one was allowed to go anywhere near. This was while we lived smack in the heart of Greensburg mind you… sounds like a white trash lifestyle to me!

Continue reading “Who in the Hell Does Ike Think He Is?”

Pitt Excels in Sports Academics… & Learn How to Create Your Own Blog….

Pitt Excels in Sports Academics… & Learn How to Create Your Own Blog….

Breaking News: Pitt Excels as a Student/Athlete Institution

From this morning’s Post-Gazette.  What wonderful news…

Twelve of Pitt’s 17 programs performed at or above the national Academic Progress Report average, and six of those programs — football, baseball, men’s and women’s cross country, softball and women’s tennis — set or matched their highest all-time APR scores, according to figures released Tuesday by the NCAA.

Three teams — softball, women’s cross country and women’s tennis — posted a perfect score of 1,000, the last of which did so for the fourth-consecutive year. Thirteen of 17 programs posted scores at or above last year’s marks. One of the more pronounced improvements came from the football program, which saw its score jump 10 points to 984, vaulting it to fourth among 15 ACC teams and putting it 16 points above the national average. Men’s basketball also posted a 984, placing it 17 points above the national average and fifth in the conference.

This is what I have always envisioned for the University of Pittsburgh.  Ever since I started blogging on The Pitt Blather and now on the Pitt POV I have held firm in stating that yes, the student/athlete concept and requirement is not dead as so many Pitt fans seem to think it is.

This is part and parcel of our modern-day football history as we have seen more of an emphasis on doing deeper background checks on football recruits since the early 2010. Our players still get in trouble sometimes but Pat Narduzzi is quick with discipline and has had rosters filled with students who are also taking academics more seriously.

This is what the bigger donors are concentrating on with Pitt football also – Remember the Guttman’s and their $2M donation to the football program – that was earmarked mostly for the tutoring and educational facilities for the players…

Good for him and good for Pitt.

Developing a Successful Blog:

Date: Monday, June 11, 2018
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Branch: Miller Branch


Creating and writing a blog offers a great way to build a space where you can share your writing and thoughts while generating discussion with others online. Blogger Reed Kohberger guides you through the process of envisioning, designing, and creating your blog; writing engaging articles; and cultivating a group of dedicated readers and commenters.

*Registration is required. Register online or by calling 410-313-1950.


Drop me an email if you can’t attend but want the lesson materials sent to you…

Hope to see you there,



Dan72 and I are going to be attending this Pitt Alumni function down here in Maryland on June 7th – let’s get some other Maryland POVers to come also – it’s free and if you aren’t an alumni it doesn’t matter – just register as a “Friend” like I did.

Here is the webpage to register…
