POV’s New Register / Login Procedures

This might help us POVers in winnowing down the crap commentership.  Here is how you both register and then log-on to become a bona fide “user“.  I’ve done the graphics for the “WordPress” registration but apparently you can use either your Twitter or Facebook login also.

Here is a Comments Box you’ll see:

Leave a comment

Click on either of the three icons in the lower right corner.  I used WordPress for mine as it keeps things separate but you can use Twitter or Facebook if you want. When you click on the WordPress icon you’ll see this:

Sign In

If you already have an account and weren’t using it you should just have to insert your email address or username then hit continue.  However, if you haven’t started on then click on “Sign Up” in the upper right hand corner.  When you do that you’ll see this:

Let's get started

Start filling that page out with your email. username and password… like this:


When you are finished with all that then hit “Continue” and you should bring up this page…


Obviously you’ll have to check and verify your email and such but that is how it registration happens.  One thing I don’t know is if you have to login each time or just once and it remembers – you guys can give me feedback on that.

This, in addition with more strict banning measures (no second chances either) should bring us back to what we had in 2016 when we all started the blog.

Thanks and HTP!!




Major Changes to the Pitt POV Site

Major Changes to the Pitt POV Site

I’m spending the day overhauling this POV blog site.  Once finished it will be readable by everybody (I think) but only commenters who are registered and approved “users” will be allowed to comment.

That number may be surprisingly low compared to the traffic we get on here now.  But I’m sure everyone can tell that I have a very short fuse these days as far as tolerance for outlier commenters, and their ridiculous and insulting comments. To be honest it smacks of grade school and turns my stomach.

The whole intent of this blog when started almost three years ago was to have a place for Pitt fans to discuss the team, program and university in a way that lead to even deeper discussions and a sharing of well researched and written thoughts.  But it has devolved into name calling, finger pointing and an ‘us vs them‘ mentality that I won’t allow any longer.

For a very long time I wouldn’t ban anyone on here because I felt everyone deserves a platform to talk about what we love. That is no longer the case – at this point I truly don’t care if your feelings are hurt or if you feel put-upon or whatever.  If you can’t register to comment then you can pretty much figure out what I think about your previous contributions.

So, the changes should be done by this evening and I’ll post another article to see how all this works.  I’m sure there will be bugs going forward but I figured an off week is a good time to do this so that we have a better system in place for the Duke game and the rest of the season.

Thanks, Reed