MMQB – Virginia Tech

MMQB – Virginia Tech

It’s been a while since Pitt has really been licked.  I mean like really licked in the regular season, as in take-you-behind-the-woodshed, and whack you with a hickory stick until you are black and blue.

364 days to be exact.  Pitt at Miami.  November 24th, 2018.  Pitt scored three points and bumbled their way to 200 yards of total offense against a team that wanted it more.  Pitt committed ten penalties in that game, by the way.

November 23rd, 2019.  Pitt scored zero points and somehow managed to collect 177 yards against a team that wanted it way more.  Pitt committed ten penalties in this game as well.   Continue reading “MMQB – Virginia Tech”