I’ve been remiss for not getting this PSA out sooner but a local health care organization I volunteer with, Gilchrest, has an annual “Welcome Home Vietnam Vets” celebration and this year it is on  Saturday, March 30th.

It isn’t too late to register for this free gig at Martin’s West  just outside of Baltimore.  All Vietnam era vets and their families are invited- great full brunch and a speaker’s program that is just fantastic – this year the Governor of Maryland is the keynote speaker (last year was Jan Suggs who headlined the efforts to get the Vietnam Memorial Wall built in DC).

In addition this year we’ll have a vet who spent several years in the Hanoi Hilton POW camp.  He’ll share his story with us, along with a nurse who served in-country and other great speakers.

I will be there again as a volunteer Veteran and hope to see anyone else from our POV family who might want to take part. You will absolutely not be disappointed you did this and I promise it is worth even a hour or two drive – it is that well done and meaningful.  It is a true Welcome Home! to our citizens who served during the Vietnam war era who didn’t get the reception they deserved back then.

Here is a great video explaining just what this is all about…

Here are some great photos of last year’s event:

Welcome Home 2018

There will also be a detailed and expert US Military Museum set-up by the Boys Latin Center for Military History in a seperate room to look at and learn from.

Image result for gilchrist welcome home vietnam

Thanks all and hope to see you there, and no – I won’t be in uniform – that was 30 pounds ago!  Again – here is the link to register for this well done and memorable event.

Reed Kohberger, LCDR, USCG (Ret.)


10 thoughts on “Welcome Home Vietnam Vets Celebration…Free!

  1. Thanks Reed and as you know. My oldest brother served in Vietnam and suffers from PTSD and has for years. It’s a great cause and hope the turnout is great. Veterans need all the support they can get, their burden is heavy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ike, maybe he’d benefit from this and being around so many other Vets of his era… I heard at least a hundred Vets and their wives they though everyone had forgotten them but really benefited from the ceremonies.


  2. Reed, remember we tried to hook him up with your other project of interviewing Vet’s? He’s withdrawn and never has he gotten back in touch with me since. He is a loving husband and father but that’s a part of his life he doesn’t and refuses to revisit, which makes reaching Vets all that much harder.


  3. Reed, it’s makes what you do all that more important. Someday, maybe one day, you can reach a wounded soldier from the past. Great job! ike


  4. Thanks Reed. I too have an older brother suffering from PTSD – Vietnam vet, Danang 68 – Tet. Bad news. He lives in NW Virginia – I’ll tell him about the day but doubt he makes it – a bit far out of his driving range.

    On a sports note – nice to see Coach Capel and his Pitt lapel pin on the TV. He is a studio analyst doing the NCAA halftime and game breaks on CBS/TBS/TNT/Tru. Was on during the Nevada/Florida game – close game so sure it had an audience. Good PR for the Panthers and good for recruiting – he is coming across very well.


    Liked by 5 people

  5. PITT grappler Micky Phillippi from Derry loses to Latrobe’s Pletcher. They grew up only a few miles from each other and are very good friends and sparing partners.


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