Monday Morning QB: Pitt Wins!


Can’t beat this feeling… Honest to God.  Even with all the pragmatism I try to maintain on here and with all the neutral feelings I try to inject into my score predictions, my Pitt roots, all 110 years of them,  show through both internally and externally.

This 42-39 win over Penn State is one for the fans – we guys and gals who have stood by and watched the vagaries of the Fates spin the Pitt football program around and blow it down Forbes Avenue like a tumbleweed.  That might still happen for time to time but it will be minor slings and arrows – not the heart-numbing drama we went through in the recent past.  I’ve a feeling we’ve left that behind.

Pitt deserved this win and the Administration, Athletic Dept and the coaches and players gave it to us.  A true team effort in many ways and not only on the field of play.  I’m not forgetting the fan’s part in the win either – Saturday’s was the most excited and loud Pitt crowd I have ever heard – and I’ll remind you I was at Pitt during our championship run.

Here – watch some again:

Continue reading “Monday Morning QB: Pitt Wins!”

I’ll Have the Braised Crow Please…


I must say I swung and missed on that game yesterday, so I will.

I was totally wrong…and not just about the score of the game.

I’m a Show Me kind of guy and really wondered, not believing actually, that Pat Narduzzi would pull this one out – not after watching the Miami and Navy games last year.  But I was wrong. This was his first Big Win and how grand he must have felt at the end whistle yesterday.  Notice I said ‘first’ big win… there will be more.

Continue reading “I’ll Have the Braised Crow Please…”

POV’s Penn State Game Thread

The thing about football – the important thing about football – is that it is not just about football.”   (Terry Pratchett)

That  sure applies to this game today doesn’t it?  With all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the match this afternoon and all the emotions; good, bad and indifferent, it all revolves around a set of numbers up on a scoreboard at the end of the game. Those numbers are going to make some people ecstatic and will make others want to kick their dog.

Don’t do that.  Instead I invite you to my house to kick our two cats -” Joe” and “Pa”.

The final score will award bragging rights for one school and “Wait til next year you SOBs!” for the other. It’s going to be a good game to watch and let’s hope it is well-played, at least by Pitt, but everyone likes to see good solid competition by two teams battling each other out there.

Continue reading “POV’s Penn State Game Thread”

POV’s Pitt-PSU Prediction Thread

When I was at a tailgate before the Villanova game a Pitt fan I know asked me “Why are you so negative now?”  I laughed that off and countered that I am  “Trying to make it real… compared to what?” (Jazz fans know what I’m talking about).

But he was actually kind of pissed at me and braced me up to give him a Pitt-PSU winner right then and there.  I told him I have no idea because I hadn’t seen our team play yet. But then I said Pitt by three points because that was what I wanted the outcome to be – not really what I thought it would be because I had no idea what Pitt could do on the field.

That was then this is now.  I have to say right off the bat I have a bad feeling about this game and it is because of our track record in “Big Games” along with our tepid showing last week.  Overall we are poor at rising to the occasion and have been for some time.  It is a whole different world to beat teams who you are better than or equal to – and when you win eight of those in one season we fans get very (overly) excited.

Continue reading “POV’s Pitt-PSU Prediction Thread”