This is from Vonteegoway in reference to using the new “Pitt Discourse” site.

To Start: Click on the Invite Link: If you have a discord account already, then you just need to go to the site and log in.

If you don’t have one yet then you need to create an account. You will need to verify that account with either a phone number or email address.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the invite link as a way to navigate to the site after you’ve done it the first time. You could end up creating multiple accounts and that can get confusing and eventually cause you to get locked out.

In your browser, go to and download discord for your computer/tablet/phone.

You can install it on as many devices as you wish. Just be sure to just open the app and log in with your discord account. Again, do not re-use the invite link.

From there, you can open the app on any of your devices and you should see a sidebar with any servers that your account has access to. You should see one graphic picture with the “Pitt” words (borrowed from the Pitt POV) — it’s called Pitt Discourse. Click on it if it’s not already selected.

You should land in the Welcome channel where you will be welcomed by the server with an option to wave (fun, right?)

From there, you should see Pitt Discourse in the column to the right of the servers available along with all of the channels available in the server.

Some other items:

Announcements: A read-only channel where relevant announcements like Public Service Announcements (PSAs), channel or server modifications, or new articles that have been posted.

Help: When you need some help, check here. If you don’t see what you need, just ask in this channel and someone will assist you as soon as possible.

Requests-and-suggestions: Help make this server better with your requests and suggestions. Changes have already happened based on your input.

Pitt basketball, Pitt football, Pitt volleyball channels: chat about each of the sports in the appropriate channel. The “Off-Topic” page will be for most anything else.

Rules: Be respectful and civil. There will be no tolerance for hate-speech, name-calling, or bullying others. This includes those on the site and of people in general.

Thanks everyone for getting the “Pitt Discourse” site of to a flying start and to those who read this and aren’t registered with us yet…get on here!


Editor’s Note: Vonteegoway is hosting new Pitt Discourse site this as a favor to Pitt fans. Please remember that I started the POV after I retired so I had no real work-related obligations but that isn’t the case with Vonteegoway. So, there are going to be problems with it at first; slip ups, technical glitches, etc. so he might not get to troubleshoot things right away due to other issues going on.

Stick with it – at this posting there are already 92+ (!) Pitt fans registered and that number grows each day. The look of the site may be confusing at first especially as opposed to this WordPress site, but after my registering on Discourse and using it I honestly think it will be at least as much enjoyable as the POV if not even a bunch more. There are certainly much more things that can be done by commenters on there.

Again, Vonteegoway is taking on this task and we should respect that if we hit some potholes along the way (after all it is about PGH!).

Finally, Vonteegoway is keeping the same standards of use in place as the POV had; no crude swearing, politics, religion, sexual stuff, personal insults, etc. Make his life easier and the Pitt Discourse site more pleasant by keeping this in mind while posting or commenting. Those civility standards worked very well on the POV and will do so on Discourse also…
