Time to Say Goodbye…

Dear Readers,

After long and heartfelt introspection, including what I have done on here in the past, the current and future state of college football and basketball and what I want to do in my personal future, I have decided to close down the “The Pitt POV” blog at the end of Pitt’s 2023-24 basketball season. 

I know this will not be good news to all of you who are my friends, who read and comment, and those who take the time out of their busy lives to draft articles for others to enjoy. I hope you find another venue to be together again.

You could probably tell that I have been backing away from Pitt football after the 2021 season. Part of that was my reordering priorities after the death of my son, but mostly it is because I just do not care about Pitt athletics any longer. I just don’t.

The changes we are seeing in college athletics these days make me really wonder if I, personally, could get up the energy or redirect my moral and ethical basis to overlook what I genuinely believe is the first stage of a failure of decent college sports. Obviously, I cannot.

To me it is one of the saddest outcomes of modernity we have gone through in my lifetime of 68 years. Is it all that important in the main scheme of our lives or America’s issues? For some it is not even a thought to hold, I am sure. Others will toss aside the past and say that these changes are inevitable. Maybe it is and I feel it is just too damn bad that this rings true in college sports today.

I have been associated with Pitt football from the time I could understand such things, around age five, and watching this erosion of athletics at the university I love hurts. I do not see it being fun any longer and truly hate that the idea of the students/athlete being jettisoned so completely, and it will be in the next few years, at least for the two main sports teams.

In other words, you can have it; the course has been run for me.

I am closing the blog as early as possible so that if someone wants to they can create a new Pitt Sports blog before football season and get it up and running by Pitt’s fall camp. 

If that is something anyone out there would like to do, and I am sure you will get every reader and commenter the POV has now on a new Pitt blog, I would be glad to help you set a new one up. Here is a video my daughter and I posted on YouTube years ago that shows how to do this. My email address is rkohberger@gmail.com if you want to contact me to help walk you through it. I’ll be glad to help.

One restriction I will ask of anyone who is thinking of blogging in place of the POV is that any new blog does not have “The Pitt POV” or any semblance of that as the title.  That is because I have been all over this blog since 2016 and my name is so strongly associated with it that I do not want to be affiliated with a new blog not owned by me.  I do not think that is too much to ask after all this time and effort I’ve given and I hope you respect my thoughts on that.

Thank you all for everything. You all have truly made The Pitt POV what is now and for its sterling success over the years. Most importantly you helped ensure the POV was a premier place to visit for civil, honest, and humorous discussion. The best in the business as they say and here is some proof of that.

Note: A typical novel is about 80,000 words long – but maybe anywhere between 60,000 to 100,000 words.

So, you all got 19 novels out of the POV. Also, compare those “comments” numbers to any other Pittsburgh Sports blog, or any blog anywhere practically, and they won’t even be close and you guys made that happen.

TOTALS1,7501,507,089 (Total)254,1604,536,966450,766

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, it has been a joy to get to know you all and to read your well formed thoughts and opinions. Please have a good, happy and productive life where civility abounds and sportsmanship rules…

LCDR Reed Kohberger, USCG (Ret.)

105 thoughts on “Time to Say Goodbye…

  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I know exactly how you feel about college sports — it just isn’t the same anymore — not even close. And while I’ll continue to watch and hope Pitt does well, it’s not with the same level of conviction — not even close

    I could write a novelette about all the good times I had reading and contributing to the POV. But I will just simply say, God bless you for all of your efforts, and for the countless hours of enjoyment I spent on the POV

    Be well. Wwb

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Reed,
    Thank you very much. This blog has been my connection to Pitt sports and a likable community spanning the gamut of curmudgeons to flakes. 🥸 I mean that in the best possible way. I came to Pitt as a neighbor of Chancellor Litchfield’s country home and have always lived “away” from the ‘burg with this blog being my personal connection back to the best four years of my life.

    I respect your decision and can only hope that someone takes you up on the offer to help so that “clientele” like myself don’t end up “down by the river”.

    Thank you

    11-1, 11-1, 11-1 aka Tape Watcher

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sorry to hear that Reed, but thanks for the great Pitt blog! I would like you to keep this open until someone else has the new blog so you can get a link to it. Thanks again.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Please….yes …keep it open until a new one can be formed!

      Again, THANK YOU Reed for all of your hard work & keeping the Pitt crew alive and communicating.

      Joey Bats


  4. You certainly didn’t make my day with this most recent article, Commander, but no one can say that you didn’t do your part to bring a Pitt community together. Thank you for that. Let me just sign out with this: Reed, you are a truly remarkable human being. God Bless you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Reed the POV has been my primary connection to Pitt athletics as I am unable to attend any games. I know that I echo the thoughts of the overwhelming majority
    of POV’ers by saying that your dedication to this community has been way above and beyond the standards set for a “sports blog”.

    The POV has truly become a real go to place for me to interact with the opinionated, humorous, intelligent and sometimes frustrated Pitt fans who for totally unexplained reasons suffer through Pitt sports.

    You have more than earned the right to retire from the blog and I wish you good health as you spend time taking care of your interests and especially your family..

    Reed you have been a true Pitt man!

                         Isnore99. Eddie Leeds Class of 1963

    Liked by 5 people

    1. CLASS of 69. Thank you Reed !! Pitt football is dead , killed by inept AD’s . an arrogant football coach and also greed. It started when they tore down Pitt stadium.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. While this is really terrible news, I really appreciate all you have done, Reed, to start this place up and keep it up and running. It was my “go to” site for all Pitt sports. I really enjoyed the cast of characters on here often times more than the games themselves.

    I hope someone can assume the mantle from Reed. While I too do not like what has happened to major college sports, this place ( or a place like this) can still be a place to gather and enjoy each other’s company. It would be a shame to let what was built here fade away.

    Thanks again Commander! All the best!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Reed, Many thanks for all you have done in creating a Pitt community that I have enjoyed and relished since you built the POV. Thanks to all those who wrote articles and kept things going during your previous hiatus. Also many thanks to all those that commented and the many opinions that we shared. Thanks to you we enjoyed great comraderie at tailgates and golf outings.

    From the stat sheet it appears that you are not the only one whose interest has waned, with downward trend lines.

    Best wishes in all your future endeavors, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Reed,

    A simple “thank you” for many heartfelt and complex reasons I can’t explain in short order.

    My ties to Pitt are deep and cover 6 generations. Memories of my family. My father. My grandfather. My children, flood my heart. Pitt at the center.

    Again Reed, thank you.

    Andrew Quirk (PittitIs)

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Thank you, Reed, for providing this forum and allowing me to meet many now really good friends. I hope you get to enjoy your family time for many years to come. I don’t blame you one bit. The amount of work you put into this effort was truly amazing and appreciated.

    You have now upped the ante on reasons to root for our Panthers to survive and advance.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Eight years ago I made my way to the Pittsburgh Soccer Stadium to see the 2016 Spring Game. Before that I had spoken to a Maryland neighbor named Reed Kohberger, brother of my late Fiji Brother Clint Kohberger.
    He was a writer for several blogs I’d occasionally used to blow off steam over Pitt Football. We made arrangements to meet and have drinks at some bar inn Station Square along with a few other bloggers I’d never met. He told me, I’ll be the guy in the blue sweatshirt and we literally sat a few fans away from each other before we met. That started a friendship between two politically polarized odd- couple guys which I’m proud to say lasts today. He’s been to my house for many Pitt Football games where he met my other insane MD Pitt alums. I’ll always remember him saying, “you guys really take the game seriously” as he excused himself to smoke on our porch.

    Actually Reeds parents I’m sure knew my Aunt Helen who was the ultimate Pitt fan and owned an entire block and “castle house” in Shadyside and was a $100,000 giver a year to Pitt in the late 50s.

    She partied with The Pitt Chancellor and echelon as did Reeds parents.

    A huge thank you Reed for the many bottles of scotch you saved me blowing off steam with this blog and for the many incredible friends I’ve met through it!

    Hope someone picks up the mantle but I, like Reed have about had it with Pitt and College Football.

    Thanks again Reed for your time, effort and friendship!!.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. I like Pitt Basketball to get to the ACC final game and to the final 8 in the NCAA this year. Next year I predict Bub will return and Pitt will challenge for the NCAA Basketball Crown in 2025. . H2P.

    I’ll continue to post for the rest of this Basketball year.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Perhaps we should all post an email address so that whoever starts a new blog will be able to send us the link to it. Mine’s: jackagain@protonmail

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Commander Reed – I add my heartfelt thanks to you for your vision of the POV. Not just an awesome blog about Pitt sports, but a community which encouraged in-person interaction among Pitt fans. Your encouragement of the POV Tailgate and the POV golf outings has led many of us to meet terrific Pitt fans who just happen to also be terrific, generous people.

    And you set quite an awesome example for others, not just in how you handled the POV, but in your Coast Guard career and in your impressive volunteer work.

    Best wishes to you.

    Go Pitt.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Reed,
      You have enhanced the life of many by starting and maintain this outlet for the intensity and joy (though sometimes frustration) of Pitt football and basketball.
      You have done it with an open heart and a degree of integrity that has minimized the worst aspects of competitive criticism.

      I truly respect your desire to give this to us but also your insistence that we treat this with the sensibilities and respect for each other.

      I have similar dread of the direction of college sports as it is poisoned with the worst elements of capitalism driven by monied individuals acting out their sports fantasies. That combined with betting threatens the integrity of these sports.
      May it not be so.


      Liked by 1 person

  14. Commander

    Thank you for all you have done to build and maintain this community, this band of brothers and sisters. It’s hard to argue with the sentiments you express. Perhaps it’s age or higher ideals but most of us share them.

    We will be forever in your debt and you and your family will remain ever in our thoughts.



    Liked by 3 people

  15. sincere thanks Reed for creating a piece of my life that I will never forget

    it was an important and great part of my life journey for many, many days and nights of every year the POV has existed

    thanks to everyone else for their contributions whether comments or articles, I will miss each and every one of you(some a little more than others 🙂 , but all of you

    Liked by 5 people

  16. Well, it has been a long, hard day of work. I just closed my laptop and decided to settle in on some Pitt POV comments when this professionally, elegantly written piece came before me.

    Commander, you have connected many lives with this fine blog, many who may never know how much they positively impacted other Pitt fans. I know I too, like Kman have added numerous friends who I plan to stay in touch with.

    This blog is entertaining, a fun place to hang out, get educated and sometimes become frustrated. Jimmy V said it best, “three things you should do every day. Number 1 is laugh. Number 2 is think – spend time in thought. Number 3, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think and cry, that’s a heck of a day.”

    I’ve had one heck of a day, not just today, but many in my life. Entertainment comes to us from many places. Sadly, the Pitt POV will not entertain us after this basketball season ends, literally. But for me, it will be a form of eternal entertainment because of the friendships Mrs. Erie and I have made.

    May God bless you, Commander and your family more than you could ever have imagined.

    Liked by 7 people

  17. Reed, this was not what I wanted to reàd right before going to bed, but I understand your reasons. I cannot thank you enough for your friendship and for introducing me to a great bunch of fellow Pitt fans who I now call my friends. Please enjoy this retirement- you have certainly earned much love and respect from me, and I’m guessing from most of the readers of this blog.
    If you happen to be in the ‘burgh during a home football game, you know where to find a group of friends- a second family that you created. Thank you, wishing you good health, happiness, and love.

    Liked by 10 people

  18. Reed, thanks for the memories and best wishes going forward to you and your family. Perhaps we will see you once again posting from time to time on another Pitt blog in the future. Your insight and opinion will always be of great interest to many on any blog.


  19. I have had a great experience with Reed and the POV. I am sorry to see it come to an end.

    Reed gave me an opportunity to first write (an article on HCPN salary) as a guest writer. Later he gave me administrative privileges in WP. I had found my niche.

    I am grateful for my time with Reed and the POV. My stat laden articles filled my evenings and early morning hours.

    I am not a Pitt alum. Just a Pittsburgher who got back into college football by my late wife. She was a long time South Carolina fan (her first husband played for the Gamecocks in the late 60’s and was drafted). We attended all home games and at least one away game a year.

    I am not interested in having my own blog. I am available if someone starts their own.

    Lastly, thanks to the POV community and especially to the Red5A tailgates where I actually met some of you.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Dan – Thank you for the complement. I always looked forward to reading your posts. Always insightful. May your articles continue for a month.

        I have the data for my preseason Lost Production series. I have Pitt, our 10 P5 opponents and Stanford, I was just waiting for the May TP to end before I started the articles. Probably will never see the light of day.


  20. Reed…THANK YOU very much for all of your contributions to the PANTHER family on this blog. I am going to miss THIS forum … and hope that a new one will be created.

    Reed, HAIL TO YOU!

    ~ Boo City PA
    ~ HE HATE ME!


  21. I feel like my favorite neighborhood bar just announced its closing.
    I’ll gather my thoughts closer to the end.

    Liked by 9 people

  22. In every life there is a season. Last thoughts:
    1) Thank you Reed for getting me interested in Pitt athletics again. The passion had faded, you made it relevant for a large number of us.
    2) I share your attitude toward the current state of “college” sports, as you could probably tell from my recent lack of posting. Just didn’t have much to add.
    3) Thank you for the golf outings and allowing us to put faces to names. I still owe Dan that drink.
    4) Thank you for putting up with my early efforts in posting. It was a lot harder to get my actual thoughts across than I ever thought.
    5) Thank you for making Pitt athletics more fun. The POV was always informative, thoughtful, and honest in its articles and opinions. That in itself is a rarity.
    6) I never did learn how to “like” a post, and there were many, many comments I should have done so. Sorry. I will miss reading this blog, but I’ll miss reading comments from people I feel I’ve come to know. Strange huh?
    7) Finally, I’d never say I knew you well. But I will say in our brief interactions you made an impression. It really doesn’t take that long to take the measure of a man. While you might never know the nuances, the general tenor is quickly gained. Just wanted you to know you left us all better off for you efforts on the blog and the way you handled life’s most difficult situations put things in pe. Sincerely, thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Thanks for all you’ve done, Reed! I will certainly miss the great analysis and comaraderie.


  24. Reed – Love you buddy. Appreciate the opportunity to have a place to call home and share our feelings for many years. This place has been great to share many things going in our life both personally and sports wise. Where am I going to share my Gorilla Calves comments in Fall 2024? Haha


    Liked by 5 people

  25. Realized a couple things this morning. I have to find something new to start my morning coffee with, and how much I am going to miss conversing with all of the guys and Annie. I really feel like I have increased my circle of friends because of the POV.

    Looking forward to seeing many of you at Fran/Wolfe/JoeL’s tailgates. I hope we can have a celebration of the POV with Reed and many of you that we haven’t met in person.

    I don’t know if a golf outing is planned for the spring game but if so count me in.

    Liked by 4 people

  26. Thank you to Reed and everyone that has posted and commented over the years. I came here after Chas shut the Pitt Blather down however many years ago that was…where am I going to waste the at least three hours a week at work getting my fill of Pitt sports and joking around with fellow Panthers. Hope we can all get together on a new forum soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Reed,
    Thanks for providing a venue for our sports education, my new friends, a place to gather before games both online and at tailgates. The POV was the first thing I read when I opened my email.
    I wish you good health and many happy years to come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Reed,
      I remember the early days of transitioning from the Blather to the POV including emails and phone discussions, the POV Tshirts, magnets, stickers, and yes stationary.
      I think at one time we even talked about creating a POV theme song, lol.
      I too thank you deeply for putting this blog and group together.
      I hope that you continue to find endeavors that stoke your zeal as much as the POV once did.
      Best wishes,
      Mark (PittPT)

      Liked by 3 people

  28. Hi all. I’ve created a discord server to continue Reed’s tradition: https://discord.com/invite/yz5PDABK

    If you’d like to join, we’d love to have you. No cost, no ads ever. Currently I have auto moderation on high, but we can tweak as need be.

    There’s a suggestion / requests channel to facilitate changes to the server. I’m expecting a lot there.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Dear Reed, this is Pittman4ever (Jim). I have soooooo enjoyed the POV since the start and thank you profusely for your many years of writing! ALSO, it has been an absolute privilege and joy getting to know you better in person! Yes POVers you see our married daughter (and 3 grandkids) live relatively close to Reed (they are in Reisterstown) and while visiting them thru the years I would often find myself with the Commander at Lenny’s Deli enjoying a Kosher corn beef sandwich together and talking all things Pitt.
    Reed, I will continue to pray that you and “Ray” receive the “Peace of God that passes “all understanding” found in Philippians 4 : 6-7 thru Jesus our Savior. I love you, man and my God bless all that you do!

    Liked by 4 people

  30. Hi Reed,

    I went back and read your first post from 2016 and the first comments. A lot of folks not only came over from the Blather but stayed for the duration. UPitt, BigB, Huff, dinosaur71, joeknew, Dan, etc. That really says something!

    Speaking of duration… the POV outlasted a number of other Pitt sites. Dokish’s Panther’s Prey, the Blather, Cardiac Hill (and that was a commercial operation). Did The Loyal Sons ever have a blogspot (not sure)?… but that is certainly something to be proud of.

    Like many others, I too am forever grateful for your efforts to get the posters to meet each other…. for me, that started with the Military Bowl pubcrawl. In and out of pubs, asking people, “Are you Reed?… finally some big guy comes up to me in the Rams Head and asks me,

    “Are you Reed?”
    “No, Im looking for him too.”
    “Hi, I’m BigB.”
    “BigB!! I’m JoeL”

    And then the drinking started. Fortunately we found you shortly thereafter.

    The writing has been great given the limited access you and others have had to the programs. A lot of people got involved which was really great to see. And I enjoyed the chance to try my hand at it once in a while.

    I cannot recall when the “My Pitt Story” occured, but it was one of my all-time favorite periods in this space. A lot of folks shared who they were. Ike’s story was rather moving…. but we all got to know each other a little bit. Screen names became human.

    As others have noted, the ancillary activities/events which sprung up from this were wonderful. Head and shoulders above all of them for me was (and still is) the formation of the Red5A gang. An absolutely wonderful group of people and great to get to know on a personal level.

    When I explain to friends how I met the people we tailgate with… Fran, Wolfe, Major, KMAN, Mark K, and so on… “we met on a blog”… I’ve gotten undestandably quizzical looks. But this blogspot really was and is different. It was human and you made it that way.

    So, from the bottom of my heart I’d like to thank you for doing this and bring me and others along on the ride. Best wishes to you on your path forward.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. I did the same Joe…went back to the first posts earlier today.
      Also went to Annapolis but for some reason only Reed and I went to the second bar before the larger group came. By that time I had plans to meet my wife and daughter and took off.
      What a ride though. Enjoyed the “POV profiles” as well. Major Majors ‘What a Lucky Guy’ was one of my favorites as most of our years there overlapped and I loved to play baseball.
      But the tailgates and golf outing are by far my favorite times for obvious reasons.
      This site brought me many friends for life and for that I say a heartfelt “thank you Commander Reed” for your service to us. Take great care.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Reed, thank for the Pitt POV and all the hard work associated with it. Greatly saddened that it is ending. Completely understand your decision. I stumbled across this site in 2017 or 2018 when I reconnected with my former roomates after many years and starting going to Pitt Football games again with a few of them like we did in the late 1980’s. It was my go to source for Pitt FB info and venting. I agree with your assessment of college footbal and the ongoing changes. It is disheartening to say the least. I find myself questioning my support of the two primary sports programs given what I see coming in the future. With that said, thank you again.


    LUVPittbulls, SOD and few more lost to time.


  32. It’s been a great run Reed. Hope to see you at a few games going forward. Thanks so much for your friendship and hard work. You are one of the best.


    Liked by 1 person

  33. OT: Looks like our 7th round draft pick Dane Jackson hit the lottery by signing a 2 year contract with Carolina(played with Buffalo) for $14.5 million. If you can successfully play CB at Pitt with the Narduzzi/Bates aggressive pressure defense there are some big bucks waiting for you in the NFL. It’s probably the one position that Pitt can recruit to and show the rewards that many others have obtained with NFL contracts.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. This Discord Channel that Vonteego posted has potential to be pretty great.

    I recommend asking Reed to post that as it’s own article so folks can join if they want to.

    … and Reed … you can pop in when you want … it’s more of an ongoing comment thread than blog posts.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. If that ‘s the case the key will be to restart another comment page when too many comments show up on the existing comment page.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think content writers would still be great and would make it so much better. We could just create a thread and have that be the first “comment”. So all you writers and analyst, please join if you can.


    3. It looks like it will be a rematch of Pitt and WF tomorrow. WF doing as great job of defending the 3 point line on ND at this point. I think we will see the same tomorrow with WF trying to force Pitt to beat them by shooting just from the 2 point mark on in.


  35. Reed, thanks for the many years of informative articles and friendly banter. Additional thanks for keeping this blog civil and not letting it turn into a cesspool. You truly created a community of Pitt fans that will be hard to replicate.

    Fair winds and following seas shipmate…

    Larry V

    Liked by 3 people

  36. I am having all kinds of problems signing up with my iPad on the Discord app. Problems with passwords…I had to enter my birthdate and it was changed..user name etc
    I will try again later or tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can make an account on your pc by downloading the app there, then get discord on yer android, and then click the link in this thread and it will auto join you. Hope that helps


  37. Reed,

    Just a note from a long time reader/lurker. I have truly enjoyed the POV since the day I found it shortly after it opened. It was a Pitt community unlike any other that I have seen, with incredibly knowledgeable and passionate backers of the Panthers. It became something I looked forward to catching up with as part of my day.

    I thank you for all that you did to make this community happen, and wish you health, happiness.



  38. Thank You Reed, for starting and nourishing this dynamic, lively online Pitt family.

    Thank You for providing a safe and (mostly 😉 )sane space to laugh, cry, vent, scream, celebrate and mourn along with many likeminded others over the years.

    I came over from a brief stay at The Blather and I must say it has been a heck of a ride ever since.

    I lurk waaaay more then I post. But This blog has been a huge part of my life since I found it in 2016. It has been my go to place for Pitt news and talk ever since.

    Reed, your efforts here have helped to make the world a little bit of a brighter, happier more civilized place – and that is no small contribution. May the wind be at your back, may the sun light your path, and may swift currents guide your way home.

    You sir, rock.


    Liked by 1 person

  39. Pitt baseball loses to Youngstown State tonight extending their losing skid to 4 games. This team started the season hot, but are currently 0-3 in the ACC and the loss tonight feels like they are pretenders, not contenders.

    Just heard 🤡 Lunard say Pitt is out if they don’t beat WF AND UNC 😳

    W_F goes down.
    UNC gets their feet wash by a hot shooting Pitt team.


    1. Thank you, Reed. I can remember when a friend first told me about the Pitt Blather. It went from a site I’d go to last to get my Pitt sports news, to virtually the only place I went for Pitt news. And the Pitt POV has been that for me since it launched.


  40. God bless you and your family Reed. Thanks for all of the fantastic memories here. Love ya commander.


  41. Thank you.

    I’m just seeing this now as I don’t follow BB much. I’m a Duquesne alum (who gets to finally see success for my school and see them earn a spot in the tournament) but have been a Pitt football fan a long time.

    Thank you for all of the work that goes into this and I agree – the changes in college football have rapidly lose interest as well.

    I don’t like FSU at all and they would leave the ACC and scorch the Earth behind them, but on top of everything else gone wrong in college football, the fact that the committee left out an undefeated ACC champ, made think, what is the point?



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