Pitt vs Wofford – Gameday Thread 9/2/23

Well, here is the start of our 2023 season with the Wofford Terriers. That isn’t the scariest nickname in football is it? But there isn’t any real reason that our Panthers should be all that afraid of our opponent today at least in my opinion and I’m sure just about everyone else’s also.

Here is Pitt’s ESPN page for all the info on our Panthers in one place.


Here are a few bits of info about our opponent:

2023 Terrier Roster

2022 Terrier Stats

Pitt vs Wofford Game Program (big PDF file)

Tentative Starting Lineups:

Odds on this game:

We are giving away almost 40 points. Huh, I think I’d take Wofford getting 39.5 if I was a betting man. If PN has any sense the 2nd half will be for the 2nd and 3rd teams to get some playing time. BTW – WVU is +20 points against PSU; I’d take the underdog Mountaineers there also.

What Narduzzi will look like if we are behind at any point:

Feel free to post your score predictions below…