52 thoughts on “Colgate at Pitt Open Basketball Thread

  1. Here’s my analysis “Pitt is not very good”. Down 2 at the half. 35-33

    To that basketball powerhouse,
    Colgate. My scout buds tell me not a hint of Pitt on the recruiting trail.
    Just like his last year at OK ST.


  2. Big John is having another great game. When do ya suppose he transfers out…before the season is over or after?


  3. Happy for the men’s BB team getting a win.

    Long season ahead.

    Pitt sports pretty hot right now…



  4. 12 comments about the game and 1 comment about the Lambert Trophy should give us all an idea of the level of interest in Pitt BB for the upcoming season. I don’t see it getting better of the next several months or maybe years for that matter.


  5. OT, Aliquippa plays up 3 divisions and won the 4a PIAA state title over Bishop McDevitt…

    Nice win by the hoop team over the toothpaste company.


  6. just a thought… let’s say Kenny opts out of the Peach Bowl which would be the candle on top of the icing on the cake with a win but decide to risk injury by participating in the “ Senior Bowl” which is an exhibition game. They NFL has every thing they need to know about Kenny and has has 3+ months to put him through their paces…..When we were young I remember looking forward to watching the summer “ college all-star game”… for those too young the game pitted the NFL champs against the best college plsyers. I couldn’t wait for that game, rooting for the underdogs to pull the upset. The game was stopped due to fear of player injury/ higher insurance costs.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ran into a lady who has held a long time administrative assitant position at PITT yesterday…she said PITT needs to has an on-campus stadium. I know where one would fit perfectly…”Mr. Gorbochov/Gallagher “tear down that,,,BB court!” We are a FB school…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BigB, what is it with you guys and this fetish for a stadium in Oakland, it is never, ever going to happen.
      We just had our best football season in forty years at Heinz field, our Stadium. Pitt Stadium has been gone for over twenty years. That is 20 years of Pitt students that have no desire for an OCS. In another 20 there will be very few left with a memory of Pitt Stadium. People that desire an OCS are in a very shrinking minority. Those of us that still live in the Burgh know this and know what an absolute quagmire is Oakland. In the last twenty years the hospitals activities have doubled even with Children’s leaving the Pitt footprint has expanded immensely. The bar and restaurant seen has moved elsewhere. There is no turning back.

      Meanwhile, Heinz has all the amenities, there is adequate parking 100 times the ingress and egress, bars and restaurants galore, many hotels on site and across the river. A casino within walking distance and other attractions nearby for the out of towner. Two exits on the T and Red5A. The stadium itself has better
      amenities than you could ever have otherwise.

      It is by far the best destination stadium and place to visit in the ACC.

      The Pete has fallen on hard times, but basketball at Pitt will rebound. Heather seems to have the formula.
      The Pete is a great place when it is rockin’ and it will rock again, just like Pitt Football.

      You found one old lady that thinks Pitt should have an OCS. I have talked to hundreds of fans who just want a winning team and are perfectly happy at Heinz.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. All I have to say is that there is nothing like the atmosphere on a campus when a FB is to be played at a campus that day. And I’m not sure just where you got that survey done GG to conclude that 20 years of Pitt students have no desire for an OCS. I’ll bet if I walked around the campus today and asked the students if they would much prefer an OCS or be bussed to Heinz for the game I’d get an answer far different than what you concluded.


  8. Ok, so very sad that there are so few comments after a Pitt win in basketball, when I am able, I am still going to get to the Pete and root for these kids. It is not their fault it as come to this. They are playing hard, they are starting to play defense. Hugley is a stud. Femi is struggling, even before the injury, his foul shooting is abysmal and his turnovers are too high plus no Champagnie to pass too.
    Speaking of Champ, 34 points in a G league game, just think if he would have stayed, he and Hugley would have been the strongest inside game Pitt has had for a long time.
    Anyway water over the dam.
    Jeffress seems to be coming along if slowly, face He wouldn’t be playing much if Champ and Toney stayed.
    Gueye puts on 20 pounds and he will be a force. Santos is going to be good. EZ is actually very good for a walk on and would not be playing if not for the injury and fisticuffs.
    Odalapo and Collier are giving some good minutes.
    Even Brown would have helped this team and of course X.

    You really have to wonder what happened last last year and what level of frustration cause the mass migration, and that is all on Capel’s inability to put together any team comradery or togetherness. You also have to wonder what would have been if Hugley wouldn’t have screwed the pooch. How much more success would they have had and would they have stayed together like the Football team? How much better would recruiting have been for last year and this?

    This is all on Capel, yes he is snakebit but the buck stops with him, has he learned anything from the experience, will he be like the Phoenix out of the ashes or will he continue to crash and burn. Pretty long odds for the Phoenix. After losing his big recruit he may be going through the motions. Understandable, he has taken a beating. Imagine trying to instill confidence in his guys with all that has transpired. He actually has them playing pretty hard, and he did call the time out last night.

    But while he is here I will support him and especially the players.


    1. On the post-game interview last night, Coach Capel said something like -the way things have been going for them he was surprised Colgate didn’t make a desperation three-ball at the end of the game…

      Has to be tough on the Head Coach – he certainly has the incentive to make things better, but one has to be skeptical about whether he can given what we’ve seen…

      Go Pitt.


  9. By the way, home from the hospital, and feeling great. Hoping to play golf by June and working on a great POV golf outing on opening day Friday with Fran and anyone that wants to join the committee. So mark your calendars. Let’s make it the biggest one ever. Are you listening UPitt?

    Liked by 5 people

      1. My days of pounding the ball may be over, looking to develop a smooth easy swing so I don’t have to go through this again. Hard to learn new tricks at my age. I do like your swing though. Silky smooth.


        1. GC- try switching to the “single plane swing”. It’s saved my back, improved my striking and allowed me to play from the fairway!


  10. If KP doesn’t play and Walker does after beating KP for the Walter Camp award a very bad look for KP and Pitt.


    1. Yes VATech, Miami and VA reloading, Narduzzi can’t rest on his laurels, must pick the right OC.
      Plus with UNC’s recruiting they should put it together at some point, but Mack and Franklin seem to have the same disease, results don’t match recruiting prowess.
      Did you see Mack blame the media for over-ranking him. Weak, grounds for termination me thinks.


  11. So Pittsburgh has now contributed the following to the sports lexicon

    the Steve Blass Disease

    The Mel Blount Rule

    The Rooney Rule

    The Pickett Rule

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 3 people

  12. I think this team is slowly – slowly – improving. Not that that means anything when the ACC kicks into high gear, but I’m seeing them learn how to play together more and I think Capel is starting to figure out a rotation.

    The one significant liability I saw repeatedly last night though – Collier on defense. When Hugely was out with foul issues, Colgate ran pick and rolls repeatedly where Collier was out of position. Let’s see if that gets addressed.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Great win for the players last night. If two defensive rebounds were made this season would look more respectable at 5-4 with all that the team has gone through. Not sure how good St. John’s is but I guess Pitt will have a shot at being 6-6 before ACC play.

    Sort of scary reading Capel’s post-game that he was telling Jeffress to miss the second foul shot and William couldn’t comprehend what his coach meant, so Jeff said to just go ahead and make it. Maybe explains a little Jeffress in the Virginia game not throwing the ball down the court or calling a T.O. when inbounding late.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EDIT: I just learned Monmouth, Pitt’s next opponent, is pretty good. They’re a similar opponent to Colgate so it will be another hard-fought game. They beat Cincinnati, St. Joe’s, Princeton, and almost beat St. John’s.


    2. Capel either makes things too complex or totally “let’s Em play”
      Same criticism at OK ST. And I can’t say this enough “zero recruits and zero activity recruiting” !


  14. Improvement (visible and in the box score for those not watching) will slowly bring the fans back.

    Looks like Femi is either still on the mend with his ankle or he lost his starting position to a walk-on.

    Collier showed slight improvement last night – needs to get more physical like Oladopa. Hugley needs to stop bombing from 3 – I believe one of the coaches told him that last night after 2 bricks and his game looked better playing on the inside.

    We may not beat any ACC teams, but it is looking like we can make some games competitive.

    Capel needs to land a future true PG to show fans he actually can recruit.



  15. Jaguars TE Coach Tyler Bowen will become VT’s new OC after NFL season is over. I bring this up because a position coach in the NFL has been discussed here as Pitt’s new OC

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  16. I’m with you, GC. As long as the players haven’t given up, I’ll keep supporting this team. Odukale clearly is not 100% healthy. No explosion in his game at all. Jeffress coming along. Has to look to drive to the hoop more. He needs to give them 10-12 points a game. On another front, I thought there was some horrific officiating last night. Also, maybe Coach Dan or somebody can clarify the traveling rule for me. A player who receives a pass and comes to a standstill cannot take a step before they dribble, yes? That is, a first step can’t occur before the ball hits the court at least once, right? I swear I saw Colgate players on the perimeter take a step before a first dribble over and over again last night. Am I wrong on this rule?


    1. You are dead right on the rule but in D1 BBall the refs have first, loosely interpreted the rule and two, made it the = of pro steps in the NBA.


  17. OT – It’s like truly amazing to me that Pitt has another Biletnikoff Award winner. Just hard to believe.

    Certainly we have Coach Whip to thank for this one. Jordan is an awesome talent, but he doesn’t get all those TD passes if we’re running the ball.

    While Jordan made catches all season, the two that are etched in my memory are the “my ball” catch and run for a TD against UVA and the catch along the sideline against WF.

    On the WF catch, I thought he was just getting his head back around to look for the ball and couldn’t have seen the ball for more than a nano-second. It was like he was catching a blur. Even he seemed surprised he caught it afterwards…

    Congrats to Jordan Addison!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wish KP would have seen the wide-open Jordan air late in the Miami game… another TD pass and another win for the Panthers… but wasn’t to be….


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