Happy Thanksgiving from Joe L.!

Reed`s note: May I add that it has been heartwarming to see everyone chip in to keep The Pitt POV up and running. As Joe says below; it is hard to describe to someone who isn’t already a reader on here. Just this afternoon I was in a gym and got into a conversation with a guy who went to Pitt. As I introduced myself he looked a bit startled and asked if I wrote a blog. He then told me he has a college classmate who calls him all the time to talk about the POV articles. He was really happy so I asked if he wanted to buy it! My thanks on this day to you all…and to my son, who is a true fighter and a great friend.

Its hard to believe that we are approaching the final regular season! Seems like just yesterday a group of POVers were sitting on the patio at Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster, regaling one another with tales of monster drives, putts rolling off greens and fortuitous bounces…then turning to prognostications about the upcoming football season.

Well, no matter how the next three games go….

Wait just one minute! The BS detector in my office just started chirping. Its either a bad battery or  sharp as it ever was 😉

Actually, how the next three games go is of vital importance in determining just what kind of season we’ve all witnessed this fall. Coach Narduzzi said it perfectly yesterday in his press conference when he said something to the effect of not walking into a living and bragging that the team was ranked in November. Its how one finishes that matters. Even his harshest critics must concede that he’s on the mark there.

I was (and to be honest still) a bit concerned that he is glancing past Dino Baber’s squad. Hopefully his remarks to the contrary have permeated into the minds of the entire staff and players.

Otherwise, we will see something akin to the Boston College loss in 2019 when AJ Dillon marched right through Pitt’s nationally ranked rushing defense and Kenny Pickett had zero TDs. The highest scorer for Pitt in that game was Alex Kessman. Anyone else remember that dung-heap of a game?

This year’s Syracuse team bring that same kind of game and like BC in 2019, it needs the game to become bowl eligible.  I hope our guys are getting in the right frame of mind as they enjoy Thanksgiving together before heading north. I understand that Jordan Addison’s mom is coming to Pgh to cook for Jordan and his buddies… guessing there will be other moms doing the same, thankful to spend time with their sons and teammates.

Im very thankful to have “spent time” with Jordan and his buddies this fall. What a season it has been – so far. But, also thankful for:

  • This space, where we gather to share thoughts, joy and disappointment with one another. Thanks to Reed, Richard, Erie and Maestro for keeping it going. It’s a unique place – one that is really hard to describe to other people without getting a puzzled stare in return.
  • The health of many of us who have encountered and endured health challenges in the past year. A wink/hug to Brother Ike and prayers/appreciation for places like Johns Hopkins so that folks have a chance to win their fights.
  • Red5A and its cornerstones, Fran and Wolfe. They are the type of fans you want to hang with. But then, if you have been there you know what I mean. The Red5A regulars who show up game in and game out and make games a can’t miss event. Gordon, Major, Annie, Rich, Bill/Lisa, Scooter, PittPT, Erie and his Mrs., Kman&co., BigAl and LizL… who’d I miss?! The  UVA pregame was nothing short of a Fransgiving. Nice way to finish the home season.
  • The POV celebrities & others who make the journey when they can. Dan, Richard, The B’s: Jeannie and Biggie, Mattintheville, AtlPanther and newly retired ChrisL…who’d I miss?!
  • Those cinnamon rolls that Farmers has been feeding me. Not exactly in line with the ideals of my intermittent fasting regimen, but everything in moderation – including moderation. Weekdays are for salads after all – haha
  • The conscience posters of the POV who keep it real and ground us when we’ve ingested too much Pitt helium. Can’t debate a point without other POV’s. And thankful for the adult-like debate that germinated post-lockdown this fall.
  • The return to relevance of the FB program. Its nice to be part of the national discussion again.

And thankful for the best tweet of the year…

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and your families.