NLI Day (early period) Open Thread

NLI Day (early period) Open Thread

It’s kind of funny that these NLI’s are still faxed in.  Someday they are going to stop making fax machines, and then what are commits going to do?

Here is a list of the documented commits so far, sorted by position.  Rivals has us at 43rd.  247 has us at 36th.   DT Tim Brown is the only one not expected to sign due to ongoing legal issues.  Jordan Addison has delayed his signing until tomorrow after visiting Maryland last weekend.  What does this mean?

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a surprise or two as well…if that makes any sense.

Pitt Early Signing 2019

Here is a list of graduating seniors, not sorted by position.

Pitt Seniors 2019

Hail to Pitt

Michaelangelo Monteleone