2019’s Panther FB & BB Meet & Greets

I just registered for the Washington, DC portion of the 2019 FB and BB Alumni Meet & Greet.  I did this the last few years also (one of them was when PN first called me “The Spy“) and will attend again this year.

For the DC area it is on the evening of Friday May 10th.  Here is the link to register.

May 10

RT @Pitt_PC: Panthers on the Prowl is coming to New York City and Washington D.C.! Don’t miss your chance to come to this Q&A with @Pitt_LykeAD@fishercoach@CoachDuzzPittFB, and @jeffcapel! RSVP today ➡️ https://t.co/xXnI8PIBry #H2Phttps://t.co/cUC0vdZcZh

Hope to see the Maryland, Virginia and Delaware POVers there also.
