POV’s 2018 Golf Outing Follow Up…

POV’s 2018 Golf Outing Follow Up…

The 2018 Golf Outing was another resounding success and mostly due to Erie Express’ dedication to making it the best it could be – thanks again Rick.

We had 20+ golfers and Dan72 and I were there for moral support. Our friend Ike had to cancel last-minute but because we were talking about him so much it was a good thing.

Here are some photos taken after golf rounds were finished and before the auction and dinner were held.  BTW – let me tell you something about this group. The auction itself raised $230 for the Way Recovery House… then without being asked the guys dug into their wallets and donated even more for an additional $335 so our total $565. That will go a long way to helping people in need and that is the high quality of guys and gals we have on the POV folks.

Enjoy these photos. I was the only guy wearing long pants and in the group one you can see I’m trying to figure out the hit my credit card took as The POV bought the after-golf drinks (not too bad actually – around $130… better than last year when one foursome ordered Patron Tequila x 4 guys x 3 rounds):

The Pitt POV Fellowship
Tom Emsurak, Brad Emsurak, Bob Liptak and Chris Liptak – all POV readers
UPitt (2nd from left), Jay91 (to right of UPitt), and 2 of UPitt’s baseball friends.
Zach Hixson and Chris Delsignor
Nathan Graham
Tyler Wassel
Alexander Graham
Team #3
Tom Emsurak (winning team at -10)
Tom’s friend and their sons
Team #2…Gordon Conn (GC) in center and son far left with Matt Musser (PITT in the Ville) on right
JoeKnew (Randy Medwig) and friends (Sorry if I missed names here)

So you can see how much fun this was – all smiles all day with meeting new friends, putting names to faces and just enjoying golf and talking about Pitt football.  Here are some details from the day…

Here is a photo of Bernie (BigB) with the WUP flag…


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