So Who Wants to Talk About Heather Lyke?

So Who Wants to Talk About Heather Lyke?

Here is a very quick submittal from long time POV commenter “Ike” (2,068 comments!). 

Right off the bat I have to say that I don’t have much of a clue what our AD Heather Lyke has or hasn’t done so far in her first year. Well, other than her hiring a wrestling team head coach. So this piece will be about our opinions of here so far like most blog comments are. Our own opinions.

BTW, I really like Keith Gavin the new PITT wrestling coach. Watch out for this young team in a couple short years. He has a young team with a very good recruiting class along with a couple local transfer’s with very good resume’s.

The one minor yet important faux pas Lyke committed that seemed dumb at the time then expanded into a complete media disaster would be the free pop/soda/Fanta offer to any students who stuck around to the games end. That was a cheap and small minded idea from the beginning. She has to be held accountable for that as it was a dead-end thought that seems amateurish at best and in turn reflected poorly on Pitt’s football program as it became the butt of many jokes both locally and nationally.

So that’s it for my reality thoughts and opinions on Heather. We all understand what a message board, blog or any social media type were created for which mostly is consisting of our own slanted thoughts. No need for any proof here as to what is actually being done behind closed doors. I will say that although the public relations door should be slightly ajar like our car door at times but I would also contend that maybe we should pause and be patient until this coming season and see if there are any surprises in store for us all.

Remember, surprises can be good or bad.

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