Wednesday Night Roundtable and Call-In; 10-11-17

The time has come around again for the Roundtable Call-In – seems like it is shorter after a loss, doesn’t it?  here are the details and I’ll be on around 8:55 or so…

Meeting ID
303 520 973
Moderator Passcode
Want to dial in from a phone?
Dial one of the following numbers:
  • +1.408.740.7256
    (United States)
  • +1.408.317.9253
    (Alternate number)
Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by # (Like this below)

From the “Too Funny to Not Be True Dept”:  This is exactly the state of our recruiting right now… and it may get worse before it gets better.
Guys – Stanford didn’t even target and reach out to Symonds… he went looking for another school all on his own once we started losing games… and this is the guy Pitt fans were talking about replacing Aston in 2019.