Pitt Football’s Glory Days: Part 2

(This is Part 2 of a three part series looking back at Pitt’s best decades of football play)

On Saturday we discussed the early years of Pitt football and the impact Jock Sutherland had on the football program.  I venture to say there are not many living Pitt fans who can point back to that time and say they attended any of those games as adults. https://www.pittmag.pitt.edu/sep95/images/xfball1.gif

The next best decade is for us older guys a more happy time because we lived through that winning period and we remember it fondly as we were either undergraduates or we were in high school and watching Pitt football with our friends and families back then.  Well, some on here might have been in grad school or after also.

I’m  speaking of the years 1974 to 1983. 

Prior to that we went through a period of ball which saw us in a ten-year stretch of utter futility where we combined our wins and losses for a 28/68 record (28%).  During that stretch we had four head coaches; John Michelosen, Dave Hart, Carl DePasqua and the newly hired Johnny Majors… sound familiar anyone?  Like our last ten years maybe? As coaches go that is, we had a much better record over the last 10 years.

And as a topper we had one HC, Dave Hart, who went 1-9 for his three seasons at the helm.

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