Recruiting?… and Other Things.

All’s quiet on the Western PA’s front, which isn’t a good thing like it was in WWI.  Here are the recruits that we have grabbed so far in the all-important month of January, which in recruiting terms is the most important time period. recruitiung-jan-17 That is because top-shelf recruits with the most really good offers usually wait until this month to commit to a university’s football program.  

You see above we have  three 3* kids with one coming in as a re-commit from a community college after being kicked off the Penn State team in 2015. Actually though, he may turn out to be the biggest ‘get’ in this class.

These players are fine I suppose, as are the other players we have verballed to Pitt, but right now is when Pat Narduzzi is supposed to be reeling in the big fish and not have he and his staff traveling throughout the country visiting important recruits and hearing “Thanks, but we’ll call you if …“.

Right now our recruiting class sits at 22 players with room for at least five more (I believe) and are ranked 37th nationally.  That ranking is down a few slots from last week and if we don’t get some decent players in the next two days it will slide a bit more.

I don’t put a whole lot of stock in class rankings because there are so many variables – but it is one way of comparison and a point of discussion among fans.

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