“Coach – We’re at Bingo Fuel”

That’s the military term for an aircraft that has reached the fuel status to where they can safely return to base with just a small bit left over for emergency maneuvering.  Why did I use this as a title? It seems to me that our DC has just about run out of effective fuel range at this point.

I’m asking for help from the readers here.  I don’t want the following info to be or start a Chryst vs Narduzzi argument because that isn’t what I’m trying to do here.  At this point I feel that Pat Narduzzi has kept the football program in the good shape he inherited it (off the field) and has improved it’s quality of play on the field.  So that isn’t the point.

The point is that I want someone to tell me, in reasonable and understandable terms, why our passing defense is gone to Hell.

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